
Dobbers: Quest for the Key, RPG, deck building, quest TTBG

Created by Darryl Jones

Equip your hero with weapons, armor and items, sabotage your opponents with monsters and challenging locations as you race to the key!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Dark Wood Sprite has Found the Key
over 5 years ago – Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 01:17:52 AM

Deep in the forest, deep in the territory of the Sylvan Dobbers, the spreading decay is getting worse. The Sylvan Dobbers are a reclusive people and at first and were reluctant to help, but they also wanted to know what was causing the decay.

During the Hero's exploration, you stumble upon a Dark Wood Sprite. She has discovered the location of the Key. You've also learned that she is the source of the decay that's spreading in the forest. She thinks with the key she can control the Shambleman and the decay was her gift to him.

A battle is coming. The Heroes pursue the Wood Sprite as she flees to a bog.


On the other side of the map, other heroes continue to explore the Alwaysgreen Forest.

They discovered the Clockwork Tower of the mad Rat Wizard, Maegera. He had many creatures, weapons, and magic items hidden there! 

This new Clockwork Expansion will be added to given to every backer who pledges at the Hero Level and the Create Your Own Hero Card Level.

Last Week - New Designs, New Goals, Exclusive Content
over 5 years ago – Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 06:57:02 PM

We're charging full speed into the the final week of the Kickstarter Campaign! 

I have some amazing surprises and new cards coming soon!

After a discussion with members of the Dobberton community, I've redesigned the Hero cards and the Player mat.

The new player mat can be used with any Hero and the new Hero cards have character art on the back! It also includes suggested placement for the Weapon, Item and Armor cards.

Above you can see an example of using the player mat with the Hero Herb and three Equipment cards.


This stretch goal brings in two of the more powerful Challenge cards created so far. The Leaf Shamble makes all who face it sick, whether they defeat it or not and the Treetop Fortress introduces "tribute" illustrating that not all challenges are overcome by force alone. 

You may have also seen two additional Stretch Goals added to the campaign page. More details will be revealed as we draw closer to unlocking them! 

Castle Breaker Unlocked

After reviewing the shares on social media, I'm pleased to announce we were at 535 total shares! That's amazing! 

However, the other social stretch goal was foiled by a change in the way Twitter counts followers. No need to go into the details here, but I'm still considering dying my hair green just for fun!

I have a ton of art to work on to get ready for more stretch goals and a secret set of exclusive Kickstarter only cards to be revealed soon! Wish me luck.

Thank you all, - Darryl

The Rat Attack has Been Defeated!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 06:01:58 PM

With the help of the Terrin Dobbers, we were able to push back the Rat Claw Clan!

The Rat Scouts, Warriors, Barbarians, Wizards and their terrible War Wolf were no match for the new Silver Equipment cards that the Terrin Dobbers made for us. 

During the battle with the Rats we discovered they also were seeking the Key. The wanted control over the forest and thought it would give them the power they needed. It seems Dobberton was between them and their destination, the Sylvan grotto, South of the Alwaysgreen Forest.

Shall we explore the territory of the Sylvan Dobbers and see what mysterious creatures and locations are there?


We flew through that last stretch goal and it seems we're quickly going to knock this one down! Thank you all for the support. We're making a very cool game!

Below are a two more videos from GenCon. 

From Twist Gaming:


From Michael, the Unfiltered Gamer: (Skip to 13 minutes and 5 seconds.)


Thank you again. This is quite a roller coaster and I'm glad you're all going on it with me. Sincerely - Darryl

The Rat Claw Clan are on the Ropes
over 5 years ago – Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 12:59:03 PM

The Rat Claw Clan will always be a threat, but it looks like they will soon be defeated. And with their defeat two new weapons will be added to the Adventure deck!

However, they left a clue! 

They are also looking for the Key! 

They think that by controlling the Key, they can control the forest! Their information about the Key leads us far South of the Alwaysgreen Forest to the territory of the Sylvan Dobbers!

Stay tuned for more about the Sylvan Dobbers. The 20k stretch goal will be revealed tomorrow!

In the mean time, take a look at this cool example of play from the Gaming Knights!

Thanks again! The support has been amazing. I think we're in for a big finish. - Darryl!

Events unlocked!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 08:23:15 AM

We've unlocked Event cards! 

These cards add a really cool element of surprises and twists to any game of Dobbers: Quest for the Key. Pat yourselves on the back and high-five your fellow Dobbertons. 

A rumor of Silver Arrows has been heard in the forest.

The forces of the Rat Claw Clan draw ever closer! The Terrin Dobbers have come to our aid and using their unique skills and resources, we have begun to create new Equipment fit for protecting our home! Might it be silver arrows? Or perhaps a flaming spear? Maybe thorn darts?

If you have not voted yet or are a new backer, you still have time to vote on what kind of new equipment we'll be making to fight off the War Wolf. Just go to update 11 for the link to the Straw Poll. It may look like Silver is the likely choice, there are a lot of votes yet to be cast! 

Thank you all for helping bring this game to life. Every day I'm blown away all the support and camaraderie we have here! - Darryl